Honeyblood - Babes Never Die

| Keith
Strike the match that set me alight
You can watch my fire burn bright
'cause babes never die

Honeyblood's new album Babes Never Die came out this past Friday and it's stellar. They've continued to get better and better, and this new one is a killer follow up to their 2014 self-titled release, which we featured here a few months ago.

The first single, bearing the same title as the album, sets the stage nicely. It's great. It opens very Placebo-esqu and quickly and smoothly shifts into the noise-pop earworm sound that's so strong on their older work. Things heat up a bit with "Ready for the Magic", a faster, heavier, rockier song and then the catchy as hell "Sea Hearts". And it keeps going.

RIYL: Placebo, Hinds, PJ Harvey, Courtney Barnett, Slingshot Dakota, The Breeders, Eisley

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