Best Coast - Fine Without You

| Keith
Sometimes I feel like I've been living a lie
I always try
But it was never enough
It got so tough out there without you
And now I pace alone in my room
Wondering how to be fine without you
Fine without you

It's Saturday and we've been whale watching just of the far southern part of the best coast (the west coast) all day. Hope your day is as good as ours is. So, it was a bit hard to pick a song from Best Coast's California Nights. It's such a good feel good record. I went with the Go-Go-esque "Fine Without You", although, now that I think of it, most of their songs are Go-Go-esque. Ha. Anyway, happy Saturday!

RIYL: The Go-Gos, Dum Dum Girls, Tennis, Wild Nothing, Bleached

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